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Period Poverty Is a Problem in the U.S.—But You Can Help Fight It

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Aunt Flo. Time of the month. Monthly visitor. Whatever you call them, periods are just part of life. And although it’s not always convenient to have tampons, pads, or a menstrual cup on hand, many of us are lucky enough to have what we need to get us through our periods easily. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for everyone.

In the US, nearly 25 percent of students who menstruate lack access to period products. And around the world, inadequate access to menstrual hygiene tools and education—due to financial barriers, lack of period products, and more—persists. This global issue is called period poverty, and with Period Action Day (a national day of period advocacy and action) coming up on October 8, all of us at Team IPSY knew we had to get involved.

This Period Action Day, IPSY and Rael are donating 10,000 Glam Bags filled with 100,000 period care products to PERIOD., a global nonprofit working to end period poverty and stigma. To support PERIOD.’s efforts, we transformed these Glam Bags into period packs for someone in need. They’re filled with menstrual and beauty products—providing a dose of both personal care and self-care.

Beauty and hygiene products from REFRESHMENTS, PLAYLIST, and RAEL BEAUTY on orange background with red confetti

In the fight against period poverty, this is just one way we can help. But with your support, we know we can make an even bigger difference. How? For starters, take a look around you: Do you have any unused Glam Bags lying around? Any extra period supplies? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then taking action couldn’t be any easier. Grab your Glam Bags and repurpose them by filling them with period supplies and donating them to your local food pantry or shelter. With this simple act of kindness, you can make an impact wherever you are—and yes, it’s that easy. Ready to join the movement? Let’s do this!

Want to learn more about service partners near you or interested in getting more involved in Period Action Day? Visit periodactionday.org or contact PERIOD. at service@period.org.

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Article Last Updated October 7, 2022 12:00 AM