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The Universe Has Spoken: These Are Your 2024 Beauty Horoscopes

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As we stand at the threshold of a brand-new year, the cosmos have unveiled a beauty narrative that promises to be as vast as the constellations themselves. To help you decode these planetary plans, we tapped astrologist Julia Kelley to share what the stars have in store for your 2024 beauty vibe. Whether you're the fiery Aries, a fierce Leo, or the mysterious Scorpio, it’s time to own your cosmic glow and let your inner star sparkle—because 2024 is your year to shine, and the universe is your beauty guide.

About the Expert: 

Julia Kelley is an astrologer and registered yoga teacher. She is known online as the face and creator of the popular astrology-based social media account @yourmomshoroscope. Kelley has partnered and collaborated with various brands, including Meta, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime Video, and she has been featured in Bustle; Entertainment Tonight; O, The Oprah Magazine, and more.

What You Can Expect From 2024

“2024 ushers in an energized wave of invention and exploration,” says Kelley. “With most major transits happening in fire and air signs this year, there is a rush of movement that is ready to shift many foundations around the world. There is a restlessness that may come with this energy, coupled with a motivation for change. This offers the opportunity to embrace new directions, styles, and expressions. There is an emphasis on discovering and owning your own unique style. Embracing individual styles and expression without as much pressure on social conformity can bring us into alignment with the power of the planets this year.” 

Authenticity and Originality

“With all three Air signs activated, Pluto in Aquarius, the South node in Libra, and Jupiter in Gemini, the essence of 2024 will relate to dynamic changes in communication, societies, technology, and communal identities. I see this being a year of originality and authenticity showing up in bold ways. The North Node in Aries points to a desire for individual, cultural, and collective freedom. Pluto in Aquarius supports the quest for liberation and wants to do it in radical yet sustainable ways. This combination of Aries, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra points to new ideas and artistry being introduced to the collective, along with an invitation to embrace unconventional and unique styles.


“Jupiter in Gemini will bring rise to new trends and styles of expression. The last time Jupiter was in Gemini was in 2012, and prior to that it was in 2000. This means we may see some trends resurface from 2012 to 2013 and 2000 to 2001. Perhaps even dipping into the late ‘90s. That said, with a large emphasis on the new era the Pluto in Aquarius is bringing, any trends that may be recycled will likely have their own unique twist and flare this time around.”

Health and Wellbeing

“Since we start this year with Jupiter in Taurus, there is also an emphasis on natural looks and the importance of overall health and wellbeing in beauty. I see this year being an important time for people to emphasize their health, especially as it relates to their desired transformations and self-care routines.  For some, this may be the year of originality, authenticity, natural looks with bold statements, health as the new beauty, and doing things that are good for you and make you look good. Beauty from the inside out may start to take the lead in trends. Focusing on the overall mind, body, and soul, wellness may continue to become more essential and conventional.” 

Your 2024 Beauty Horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

“Sagittarius, invention and intuition light the way for you this year. With Mercury ending its retrograde in Sagittarius fresh into the new year, and another Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius closing out 2024 at the end of the year, we start the year and end the year with a focus on you! 

“With most transits taking place in fire and air signs this year, there is an activation of your natural instincts and intuitions. When confusion or chaos comes to the surface, your instinctive direction may be called on to make the most out of any messy situations or unclear possibilities. Working with what you have is the name of the game, and with Jupiter coming into an opposition with your sign, getting inventive where you’re at won’t be too hard. In other words, you may find passion for experimenting and exploring with existing or limited resources to create a complete transformation.

“This is the year to take a chance on trying out your wild ideas and seeing what sticks. You might explore using colors and textures in unconventional ways, perhaps pairing two things that seemingly don’t go together in an effortless way. There is a sophistication in your approach and style. Exploring bright colors and sharp shapes may unlock new dimensions of expression. The Mercurial energy of this year invites you to explore new concepts and ideas with reverence for the creative process itself. Whether your ideas come from inspiration or necessity, there will surely be a fire lit within you.”

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

“Capricorn, 2024 unlocks a chapter of freedom and exploration that may feel like a whole new reality to you. Pluto will once again be leaving your sign this year, giving you some much needed space after a nearly 15-year period under its influence. Now, it will venture back into your territory for a brief visit later this year, but with most of its time in Aquarius this year, there is a much needed release and reprieve. 

“If you have felt rigid or timid to put yourself out there or embrace a new chapter in your life, this year will give you a chance to move forward with grace. Loosening your grip on the way you see yourself and the way others perceive you, may offer an invitation to refill your cup and replenish your curiosity to try new things in your style and expression. There may be opportunities to try a bold lip color or experiment with a new brow style or technique, and saying yes to these opportunities could bring a boost of confidence in more than one way. 

“Bringing out your unique features and highlighting your face shape and bone structure can help to capture your true essence this year. Furthermore, at the end of the day, you may want to wash yourself clear of any residue from your last chapter and set yourself up for a fresh start. Keeping your routine clear and simple this year can offer some well deserved liberation in your daily life.”

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

“Aquarius, this year sets the stage for an era of innovation in your life. With Pluto entering your sign again, after giving you a brief taste last year, you may notice more obvious shifts beginning to occur this year. When it comes to your expression, there is a blank canvas for creation. You may feel inspired easily this year to step into new realms, and if not, don’t let decision fatigue keep you from experimenting. 

“With a Mars and Venus conjunction also taking place in your sign this year, there is inspiration to explore in between the lines of gender identities and norms. Merging traditional masculine looks with traditional feminine styles may reveal a more authentic expression within you that sits right between the two. You may also find a perfect blend of maximalism and minimalism in your expression. For instance, rocking a bare skin look with neon eyeliner. You might enjoy a statement look with your hair, or perhaps making a statement by taking the attention away from your hair all together. 

“Overall, there will be no shortage of inspiration to try something new and perhaps even reinvent the wheel. This year is about owning your authenticity and stepping into your power through unconventional exploration.”

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) 

“Pisces, this year invites you to create sacred space for beauty routines, rituals, and self-care. With Saturn continuing to make its way through your sign this year, there may be more limits than usual on what you have at your disposal, and what resources are consistently available to you in your beauty routine. 

“You may find that your usual products or self-care services aren’t as accessible as they used to be. This may mean that you aren’t able to visit the spa as frequently as you used to, or maybe your stylist moved to a different city. Whatever it may be, there is an opportunity to bring your desired experiences into the comfort of your own home, and to create time and space for the rituals that mean the most to you.

“With Jupiter moving through your sector of home and family, there is an emphasis on putting focus and energy into your home space. This is the perfect year to bring the spa to your home by setting up your bathroom as a meaningful and restful place to enjoy your beauty regimens and self-care practices. This could look like getting a luxurious body oil and face mask, then relaxing in an epsom salt bath. Or perhaps turning on some music and dedicating time to yourself to deep condition your hair and do your nails. Exploring your favorite spa and beauty experiences in your own home, may reveal a deeper level of self-care that you’ve been craving. 

“That said, enjoying the experience of being pampered and treated at a spa or salon can also be in the cards this year! In fact, you may even book a whole weekend or week away for self-care. Though, learning to enjoy these experiences in your own home, may offer a deeper connection with yourself and your sacred space.”

Aries (March 21 - April 19) 

“Aries, the spotlight will inevitably be on you this year with the north node in your sign, and embracing center stage through your style and expression is highly recommended. You won’t have to wear a bold lipstick or eyeshadow to catch the attention of others this year (though, some extra zest never hurts!). That said, all eyes will naturally be on you in 2024 with the north node in your sign, which symbolizes luck, fate, and a certain gravitas. 

“If you’ve been waiting for your chance to shine, now is the time. You’ll have a natural luminosity this year, but adding some extra highlighter into your beauty routine can emphasize your glow! You may have the opportunity to stand out more than usual in your career, social circles, or online presence. As they say, with power comes responsibility. Well, in your case, with attention comes the opportunity to lead the way. 

“This year is about being bold with your ideas, style, and expression. With the north node meeting Chiron, also in your sign, there is a push to overcome any insecurities that are preventing you from embracing your originality and natural leadership abilities. Embodying your originality might look like inviting a new color palette into your style, or following an intuition to change your hair color. By tapping into your inner power and creativity, you may spark a flame that spreads quickly. Overall, don’t be afraid to follow that spark and step confidently into a new look, and don’t be surprised if you start a trend by inspiring others to follow suit.”

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) 

“Taurus, your natural glow is showing this year and it’s radiating from the inside out. With Jupiter in your sign for most of 2023, now making its way to meet Uranus in the first half of 2024, the seeds that you’ve planted in your lifestyle and routines are ready to bear fruit. Your inner beauty is manifesting this year, and any changes that you’ve made to your health, lifestyle, or self-care routine may become more evident externally. As an earth sign ruled by Venus, you are instinctively in touch with the inner beauty of the natural world, and the value of regenerative practices. 

“This year may reveal to you which parts of your routine are contributing to your overall wellness, and which parts can be released. You may find affirmation that when you feel better, you look better, and vice versa. That said, focusing on the practices and products in your routine that make you feel your best from the inside out will be the most rewarding. Choosing sustainable options that align with your long-term health goals and values can also go a long way. For instance, adding a new serum, supplement, or moisturizer into your skin-care regimen may offer a short-term natural glow, while also contributing to your overall skin health, both now and in the future. 

“As you tune into what helps you to feel your best, you may also have some fun adding natural elements or colors into your makeup routine, such as a bold blush or an amber eyeshadow. In essence, this is a great year for honing in on the key products and routines that contribute to your overall wellness, while also exploring warm ways to emphasize your natural beauty.”

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

“Gemini, 2024 is serving you with opportunities for expressing your authenticity and creativity. In other words, you may be the one serving this year. With Jupiter entering your sign in May, there is a kick of courage, confidence, and shameless exploration coming your way. As an air sign ruled by Mercury, you're a natural trend-spotter and setter. This year is about taking that up a notch by owning your originality without attachment to anyone else's permission or approval. 

“There is a natural wit to you that will be obvious in your expression this year. You may find interesting ways to express nuanced philosophies or intellectual ideas through your style and expression. This is the year for trying it all out and on. Whether that’s through a subtle but bold rogue look, or turning your entire face into a canvas. Exploring different styles, shades, contrasts, and contours may unlock parts of yourself you didn’t even know were there. 

“Your creativity may lead you to maximal electric shades one day and a subtle monochromatic look the next. With Jupiter bringing out the physicality of your sign, you may also emphasize your nails and hands in creative ways this year. This is your year of invention. If you can’t find the product or tutorial to match an idea you have, don’t hesitate to use common solutions in unconventional ways. Every trend starts somewhere, usually from the glimmer of a vision or need, and the vigor to bring it to life.”

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) 

“Cancer, there’s no hiding your natural flair this year. Even with minimal effort, you may find yourself receiving unexpected attention and compliments about your beauty, style, or inherent vibrance this year. You may have put parts of your beauty routine on the back burner recently, but as you work to create a healthier self-esteem this year, you may find yourself entering a new era of self-care and expression. 

“Emphasizing your natural skin, hair, and hues can be the key for discovering a new passion for your beauty routine. By exploring subtle variations in your use of tones and color palettes, there is an opportunity to come across the perfect products and styles that fit your natural composition and complexion like a glove. 

“Inviting new products into your skincare routine (finding a great toner, for instance) can illuminate your natural essence and leave you feeling more aligned with your sense of self and expression. Overall, don’t be afraid to embrace and even enhance your natural features this year, as you may be surprised by the self-confidence and charisma that comes with it.”

Leo (July 23 - August 22) 

“Leo, if you've grown bored or dissatisfied with an aspect of your style or identity, this year will give you a chance to switch it up…several chances at that! This year is full of fire, meaning we have many transits moving through the fire signs. This includes two retrogrades in your sign, a Mercury retrograde in August and a Mars retrograde later this year in December. With both of these retrogrades being in Leo, there is a promise of change coming your way. 

“While retrogrades aren’t always recommended times to make big changes, they can serve as great opportunities for exploring your options. When it comes to your beauty and aesthetics this year, there will be plenty of chances to try something new and see what fits. If you make a big stylistic change and don’t vibe with it, no worries, you’re allowed to change your mind! With Pluto tip-toeing in your opposite sign, the itch to make a change in your life may feel more like a necessity. 

“You may find that you’ve outgrown a chapter, community, or identity in your life and you’re ready to embrace a new view of yourself, and even of the world around you. Furthermore, your health and exercise may also call for some reinvention this year. Allowing yourself to try something you’ve never done before, or to do something in a new way, will prove to be rewarding in the long run. That said, this year is about finding the courage to explore and evolve into new territory. Don’t be afraid to experiment and make mistakes because with the emphasis on fire energy this year, there will be a lot of trial and error…and the resilience and playfulness that comes with it.”

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

“Virgo, 2024 is the year for discovering and owning your signature look. With the lunar nodes emphasizing the financial sectors of your chart, you may find that the eclipses this year require some resourcefulness and innovation. That said, as an earth sign ruled by Mercury, you have an inherent resourceful and witty nature that allows you to find possibility and impact in the crevices of opportunity. 

“If you find yourself with less of a budget for your usual or desirable beauty products, or perhaps less time to spend on your routine, you may also discover a divine opportunity to tap into your inner wizardry. You can be resourceful without sacrificing quality. Being able to identify the parts of your style and expression that best captures your personality will be key to emphasizing your style in minimal yet bold ways. With your career sector also lit up by Jupiter this year, you may favor looks that represent your most empowered self. 

“Your signature look may be sitting in your mind waiting to be actualized, or it might sneak up on you through unexpected inspiration! It could be a strong contour that emphasizes your cheekbones, or a peach lip liner that defines your face in a distinctive way. Perhaps it is a new haircut that frames your jawline, or dare I say…bangs! Whatever it may be, the emphasis this year is on tapping into your inner resourcefulness and brilliance to make a statement that adds some rizz to your style in a way that says you deserve a seat at the table.”

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

“Libra, this year is shaking up your self-expression in a big way. With the south node in your sign, it’s all about shedding the layers of yourself that you’ve outgrown. This may manifest in literal ways, with the need to shed the old skin you’ve been in and nurture the new sense of self that is forming. A full body scrub, a facial exfoliator, and a dry brush could be just the remedy for releasing energy of the past and allowing a new you to blossom. 

“2024 is a year for getting out of your comfort zone, even when you might feel a bit exposed or vulnerable doing so. Just as a fresh layer of skin is vulnerable, so is a new version of yourself. That’s why nurturing this newly formed self with a gentle and self-soothing approach is important. Finding the balance between a fierce and a soft approach, and knowing when to lean into one or the other, is essential. 

“Just as we need time in our life and routine for more rigorous and disciplined rituals, we also need the ease of relaxing and restful ones. For instance, knowing when to balance exfoliation with moisturization. There is a need for both! This year invites you to shed the layers of an identity you’ve outgrown while also being gentle and loving with yourself as you settle into your new skin.”

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

“Scorpio, setting yourself up on a solid foundation is key this year. With Pluto starting its path through your sector of home and family, you may notice inevitable changes taking place. If you’ve developed a reliable self-care routine, this year may ask you to integrate this routine into new environments or adapt your routine to fit a new schedule. You may find yourself with less time and attention for your routine this year, but your intention to prioritize your health and wellness won’t be lost. This is why knowing your essentials when it comes to care products and regimens will take priority. 

“Within your routine, this is a time for distilling down your essential habits, techniques, and products that make the most impact and bring you the most joy. Setting your routine up on a good foundation is important for efficiency and effectiveness. For some of you, this may literally mean changing your primer or foundation to make a difference in your skin-care, or perhaps inviting some new brushes or makeup sponges into your routine to create a more easeful or tactful experience. For others, this may mean using your discernment to cut out any parts of your beauty routine that don’t benefit you, and focusing on the ones that do. For instance, if you feel the most joy when doing your eye makeup, but don’t care to spend as much time contouring, prioritizing your eye makeup may bring some liberation to your overall routine. In essence, by identifying the essentials in your self-care and beauty ritual, you may find that even with less time or attention, you’re still able to create ease and joy in your routine.”

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Article Last Updated November 29, 2023 12:00 AM